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About the project
  • Funding:

    CNPq (Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa), PROPESQ/UFSC (PIBIC), PROEX (ProBolsas), CAPES (Bolsas de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação)

  • Team:

    José Ripper Kós
    Cesar Pompêo
    Mauricio Mello Petrucio . ECZ/UFSC
    Alexandra Rodrigues Finotti . ENS/UFSC
    Camila Poeta Mangrich
    Werner Kraus DAS/UFSC
    Marila Filártiga Gebara
    Claudione Fernandes de Medeiros
    Clara E Om Spricigo Siqueira
    Ricardo De Geroni
    Luís Henrique Pavan
    Lucas Fernandes de Oliveira
    Renato Luis Martins de Almeida
    Gabriel Machado da Rosa
    Jazmin Desvars Royg

  • Publicações:

    FILARTICA, M.; KOS, J. Guias de Projeto Regenerativo para Câmpus Universitário. 27th World Congress of Architects - UIA2021RIO, Rio de Janeiro, 2021.

    DIAS, F.; KOS, J. Regenerative design guidelines: a review along the limits of the university campus. Arquitetura Revista, 2021.

    FILARTIGA, M. Guias de projeto regenerativo para câmpus universitário. Tese de Doutorado - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2020.

    DIAS, F. Relação do campus com a cidade: a interdependência dos limites do campus Trindade da UFSC a partir da concepção de projetos regenerativo. Dissertação de Mestrado - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2019.

    MANGRICH, C. P.; PAVAN, L. H.; GOMES, F.; OLIVEIRA, L.; KOS, J.; MARTINA, J. E. Campus regenerative design supported by university Wi-Fi connections. International Journal of Architectural Computing, v. 17, p. 147807711984968-219, 2019.

    KOS, J. R.; FILARTIGA, M. . Projeto regenerativo para campus universitário. In: V Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2018, Salvador. Arquitetura e Urbanismo no Brasil atual: crises, impasses e desafios. Salvador: FAUFBA, 2018. v. 4. p. 8270-8282.

    KOS, J. R.; Gebara, M. F. ; POMPEO, C. A. ; PAVAN, L. H. Proyecto regenerativo del campus: aprendiendo através de las dinámicas de la naturaleza y la universidad. Arquitecturas del Sur, v. 35, p. 30-41, 2017.

This research project starts from studies for the university campus at UFSC that explore the relationship of the university with the streams on campus aiming to use them as its main articulating axes of open spaces. Through this project we established several connections and partnerships between different agents inside and outside the university. Resistance to relevant changes makes the construction of scientific arguments and the growth and diversification of the network of studies on the importance of UFSC's role in the professionals training to assume leadership positions towards new relationships with our environment even more urgent.

Some of the specific goals of this project are:

- Investigate integrative design processes based on understanding the specific patterns of each context in a broad and integrated way in different areas of knowledge.

- Investigate the integration of natural (or green) infrastructures with infrastructure systems built through renowned pioneering authors, recent studies by recognized researchers and innovative project initiatives in this area.

- Investigate the integration of university ecosystem standards and how they can promote positive interactions with the dynamics of the academic community and the environment throughout the region.

- Evaluate innovative pedagogical proposals especially through the relationship with your physical space.