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About the Project
  • Financing:

    CNPq (Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa), PROPESQ/UFSC (PIBIC), PROEX (ProBolsas), CAPES (Bolsas de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação)

  • Team:

    José Ripper Kós
    James Miyamoto
    Rodrigo Cury Paraizo
    Fernando Tadeu de Araujo Lima
    Bruna Mayer de Souza
    Marcio Nisenbaum
    Marcelo Contatto
    Erica Mattos
    Luise da Silva Mesquita
    Thiago Stefen Vieira
    Felipe Ferraz de Miranda
    Thiago de Mello Brito

  • Publications:

    LIMA, F. T. A.; MONTENEGRO, N.; PARAÍZO, R. C.; KÓS, J. R. Citymetrics: sistema (para)métrico para análise e otimização de configurações urbanas. OCULUM ENSAIOS, v. 16, p. 409-427, 2019.

    KOS, JOSE R.; FAGUNDES, T. Ensaios sobre a Ekó House em Paraty. In: Raquel Tardin. (Org.). Análise, ordenação e projeto da paisagem: uma abordagem sistêmica. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: PROURB, 2018, v. 1, p. 309-341.

    MIYAMOTO, J. ; KOS, JOSE R. Especificidades dos projetos sustentáveis, em arquitetura e urbanismo. ARQ.URB, v. 22, p. 80-92, 2018.

    KOS, J. R.; SANTOS, M. C. ; MIYAMOTO, J. Nature as an extended interface to home automation systems. ENERGY PROCEDIA, v. 121, p. 71-78, 2017.

    MESQUITA, L. ; KOS, J. R. Towards more resilient and energy efficient social housing in Brazil. ENERGY PROCEDIA, v. 121, p. 65-70, 2017.

    NISENBAUM, M.; KOS, J. R. O desafio do conceito de performance no campo da sustentabilidade e do design computacional. GESTÃO & TECNOLOGIA DE PROJETOS, v. 12, p. 77-91, 2017.

    LIMA, F.; MONTENEGRO, N.; PARAIZO, R.; KOS, J.R. Urbanmetrics: An Algorithmic-(Para)Metric Methodology for Analysis and Optimization of Urban Configurations. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 1ed.Hershey, PA: Springer International Publishing, 2017, v. 1, p. 47-64.

    LIMA, F. ; KOS, J. R. ; PARAÍZO, R. C. Algorithmic approach toward Transit-Oriented Development neighborhoods: (Para)metric tools for evaluating and proposing rapid transit-based districts. International Journal of Architectural Computing, v. 14, p. 131-146, 2016.

    LIMA, F. T.; KÓS, J. R.; PARAIZO, R. C. Algorithms-Aided Sustainable Urban Design. In: Giuseppe Amoruso. (Org.). Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools. 1ed.Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2016, v. 1, p. 875-897.

    MATTOS, E. ; FAGUNDES, D. ; KOS, J. R. Hackerspaces: Espaços Colaborativos de Criação e Aprendizagem. VIRUS, v. 10, p. 1, 2015.

    KOS, J. R.; SOUZA, B. M. Educating home users through a solar house: The Ekó House experience. Energy and Buildings, v. 83, p. 181-185, 2014.

    KÓS, J. R.; FAGUNDES, T. ; SOUZA, B. M. . Ekó House: experiências em rede de aprendizagem, inovação e colaboração. In: Diana Rodriguez Barros ; María Elena Tosello ; David Moreno Sperling. (Org.). Didáctica proyectual y entornos postdigitales : prácticas y reflexiones en escuelas latinoamericanas de arquitectura y diseño. 1ed.Mar del Plata: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, 2013, v. 1, p. 315-328.

The Project's main objective is the investigation of collaborative project processes based on a broad and integrated understanding of the context in different areas of knowledge. The project also intends to promote new research projects in innovation, related to participation in the academic competition Solar Decathlon; investigate decision models for more sustainable choices and their impact on home automation and information systems as an instrument to raise awareness among users, focusing on changing habits; investigate collaborative networks and precedents of integrating projects as models for reviewing the established practices of design processes; analyze innovative experiences for incorporating technology into design processes, also focusing on reviewing established design process practices; evaluate parametric tools as a way of supporting decisions on urban projects and analyzing impacts related to the sustainability of the city and its buildings.

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