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About the Project
  • Keywords:

    university campus; social infrastructure; complex adaptive systems; urban ecology

  • Team:

    José Ripper Kós
    Luís Henrique Pavan

  • Publications:

    The civic potential of the campus: Federal University of Santa Catarina and the democracy in the city. Arquitecturas del Sur, 2020

    The privacy of the academic community in mapping usage patterns over Wi-Fi connections, SIGraDi 2020

    Campus regenerative design supported by university Wi-Fi connections. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 2019

    Proyecto regenerativo del campus: aprendiendo a través de las dinámicas de la naturaleza y la universidad. Arquitecturas del Sur, 2017

The research project addresses the dialogue between social infrastructures and the city, exploring both relevance in the university campus master plan. This approach associates the complexity of the systems which conform cities to the concepts of universities as community hubs and ecological design. Relying on concepts already used in the study of infrastructures, the Federal University of Santa Catarina main campus is evaluated from a broad and multidisciplinary perspective.

The research design considers quantitative and qualitative aspects. Data from Wi-Fi connections is used to identify places of confluence and social disintegration on campus, and the services provided by the university to the community through public institutional programs. Qualitative and historical aspects, considering the historical evolution of the campus social infrastructure are also acknowledged. We expect to recognize the role of social infrastructures in establishing an attentive relationship to the processes of social and ecosystem connectivity at the university. We understand the university through its territory and institution facets, participating in both urban complexity and knowledge production, and having an important role taking as community hubs, being an agent of positive changes in a society whose dependence on the university goes beyond the training of quality professionals, especially in countries like Brazil, and in the context of free education in public universities. The research is also informed by the experience of producinglearning spaces in Brazil, particularly those that are the result of public policies by federal institutions.