

About the project
  • Team:

    José Ripper Kós
    Camila Poeta Mangrich
    Paulo Fernando Meliani (FAED/UDESC)
    Renata Rogowski (DAU-PPGPLAN/UDESC)
    Ana Laura Vianna Villela (UNOCHAPECÓ)
    Lucas Fernandes de Oliveira
    Luís Henrique Pavan
    Renato Luiz Martins de Almeida
    Gabriel Machado da Rosa

  • Publications:

    A dinâmica regional do contágio da COVID-19 em Santa Catarina e o surto nos frigoríficos: Segurança alimentar, estratégias de gestão de risco e proteção à vida dos trabalhadores. Nota Técnica. CAU/SC, 2020

The Laboratory of Urban Ecology participates in a working group organized by the Council of Architecture and Urbanism of Santa Catarina, CAU / SC, aiming to reflect, guide and develop possible actions and to help us understand and re-signify the role and contribution of architecture and urbanism in the process of resuming activities in the post / during the pandemic. LEUr researchers use ongoing studies in data visualization projects to map and cross-reference data from the State Health Secretariat, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the Perseu Abramo Foundation, among others, to identify risks associated with the availability of the system health and probable displacements between municipalities. Projections of this nature are being carried out by different research groups and we seek integrations with these researchers to contribute to the work of health professionals.